Making the Most of Market Day

Making the Most of Market Day

Of course sales are important at markets but there’s much more to gain by taking part. Here are a few things to think about……

Get to know your neighbours

When you work by yourself, it can be invaluable to build a network of fellow makers. Chat to the people next to you and make the effort to stay in touch after the event. It can be really useful to have an informal network of makers to turn to for all those niggling business questions. Plus, lots of great friendships have sprung up behind market stalls!

Give out LOTS of business cards

Always bring more business cards than you think you will need. Our makers often report a spike in online sales following a market. You would be surprised how many people will take a business card and then shop online after the event. You may like to consider giving out postcards with a product shot and a discount code for your online shop.

Remember your online audience

Taking part in a market provides useful content for your social media so get posting! Showcase your own stall but also those around you to provide a flavour of the event. If someone can’t make the market in person, they may be keen to see what you have on your stall. Also - make sure your online shop is up to date and available for customers to purchase from.

Sell Sell Sell

Think about how you present yourself on market day - people buy from people and engaging with customers is really important when it comes to selling products. Bring snacks and drinks to keep your energy up and do your best to enjoy the experience. Your enthusiasm will charm the customers!

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