Packing list for markets

Packing list for markets

Packing List

There's a lot to remember when you are getting ready for market day. Here's a sample list that you could use as a guide but do remember to tailor it depending on the event and your own particular products. Also think about how you will carry everything - do you need a trolley, a suitcase or a helper to get everything there in one piece?

Getting There

  • Directions to venue

  • Contact details for organisers.

Display & Packaging

  • Your products, with price labels.

  • Any props or display stands

  • A mirror (if selling jewellery / clothing / accessories)

  • Clean, ironed table cloth or table covering

  • Bags / packaging

  • Extra lighting (if required)

  • Scissors, pens, tape, string, clips, zip ties, spare fabric.


  • Business cards

  • Mailing list sign-up form

  • A sign/banner with your shop name

  • Portfolio (if you take commissions or have more work than on show).


  • Cash box with change

  • A mobile card reader and charger

  • Notebook / phone app to record sales


  • Snacks and drinks to keep energy up

  • A friendly smile and positive attitude!

Public liability insurance - you don't necessarily need to bring this with you but you should have a policy in place for market trading. It forms part of our terms of trading.

Giving to charity via your business with Work For Good (online)

Giving to charity via your business with Work For Good (online)

Making the Most of Market Day

Making the Most of Market Day