Your financial questions answered with tax support app earnr (online)

Your financial questions answered with tax support app earnr (online)

Date and time: Wednesday 7th July, 19:00

Venue: Online event via zoom

Panel: Jamie Leverton, founder of earnr, the finance and tax app for your side income

earnr is a new app automating finance and tax for the self-employed. It’s the first solution designed for people with side incomes, passion projects and engaging in part-time employment. earnr was born to help those who need to complete a tax self-assessment but don’t want or need the expense of an accountant.

At this Q&A session, earnr founder Jamie Leverton answered members questions on a range of topics including registering as self-employed or a limited company, what to claim for when it comes to expenses and how to manage a return if you work part/full time but also have a business in your spare time.

Due to lockdown and social distancing requirements, this event was held online via Zoom.

Click below to watch the recording…..

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