Why you need to get organised for Christmas now (online)

Why you need to get organised for Christmas now (online)

Date and time: Thursday 16th July 2020, 8pm
Venue: Online event - via Zoom
Hosted by:

  • Joanne Griffin, product development and design specialist and founder of Arnold & Bird

Preparing your product range and business for Christmas is crucial in any year, but particularly in 2020 when selling face to face to customers has never been more challenging. Product development specialist Joanne spoke about:

  • Why preparing for Christmas is crucial

  • Different ways to participate in Black Friday (that don't just include discounting)

  • Sneak preview of 3x Christmas trends

  • How to make time to get ahead for Christmas 2021 product development during Q4 2020

This event was a great opportunity to help our members capitalise on every sale this Christmas.

Due to lockdown and social distancing requirements, this event was held online via Zoom.

Click below to watch the recording…..

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