Making the most of wholesale with Stand Twelve (online)

Making the most of wholesale with Stand Twelve (online)

Date and time: Wednesday 12th August, 8pm
Venue: Online event - via Zoom
Hosted by: Sophie Dias from online trade fair Stand Twelve

Making the most of wholesale sales opportunities can sometimes feel daunting and mystifying with many businesses unsure of how to even start. We were pleased to welcome Sophie Dias from Stand Twelve who gave us an introduction to wholesale to help increase our members' B2B sales options immediately.

The event included discussion on:

  • The benefits of wholesale and why do it

  • VAT considerations in your prices

  • Linesheets

  • Contacting retailers directly and their likely questions

  • Exclusivity - when to - and when not to! - agree to it

  • Wholesale vs drop shipping

  • A wholesale jargon buster

Due to current social distancing regulations, the event was held online via Zoom.

Click below to watch the video….

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