The art of market stall display

The art of market stall display

Stall Display

There is definitely an art to successful display and it can make all the difference when it comes to selling work. At a craft fair, there is often limited time to set up so practice your set-up at home so that arrive with a plan on the big day. Here are some tips to get you thinking….

Vi Ceramics

Vi Ceramics

Aim High

Build your display upwards to make the most of the space and create interest at different levels. Bear in mind where you fit in your display - sometimes traders don’t think about where they will be positioned and end up hidden behind their structure. Ideally your display would frame you in the middle, leaving enough space behind for you to package products and hide your snacks, water, notebook etc..



Table Coverings

Always bring a table covering of some description. It doesn’t have to be a table cloth - paper can work equally well. Think about the aesthetic of your brand and pick a table covering to match. For example, if your brand is all about natural materials, could you use hessian fabric, or perhaps you are all about colour in which case, something bright might be the way to go! Pay attention to the dimensions of the table which you should have in advance. If you are going for a more minimal aesthetic, the table covering will be of more importance as more of it will be seen.


Curate your range

The question of how much stock to bring is a tricky one as it’s impossible to predict who will walk through the door on any given day and best sellers can vary from market to market. Depending on the size and range of your work, you may find it best to display a curated selection of your work rather than overfilling the table with everything you have ever made. You can always bring our more items from below the table if a customer is interested in seeing more.

Lucia Fraser. Image by Martha Love

Lucia Fraser. Image by Martha Love

Own the space

In a busy market, you want customers to know at a glace what your shop name is so that they can find you if they are looking for you and remember you in the future. Your signage should match your online presence and be in keeping with your brand. Think about whether you can communicate the handmade nature of your work through your signage. You may also wish to include a sign letting customers know that you accept card payments and where to find you online.

Window Cards. Image by Martha Love

Window Cards. Image by Martha Love

Products in action

Sometimes it can be hard to tell what a product is or how it should be used. It can be persuasive to customers to see your products in action. For example, in the picture Nick from Window Cards has wrapped up a present using his wrapping paper. It can also be effective with ceramics - for example, if you make soap dishes, include soap in your display. If a potential customer can imagine in their head how they would use an item, it may be enough to persuade them to purchase!

Hello Marilu

Hello Marilu



You may wish to add extra lighting to your stall. Ideally this should be battery operated to avoid trailing leads and access to a plug may not be available anyway. Good lighting is particularly important for jewellery. Around Christmas time, the addition of fairly lights to your stall can be a nice touch and helps to create the festive vibes.

Use Props

This image from Frilly industries is an excellent example of all the above put into practice! Props (eg. the pink Christmas tree) can be a useful addition to a stall to add interest. Many traders use flowers and plants on their stalls all year round. You should think about how to communicate what is special about your products. Do you use particular raw materials or tools to make your work? Could these form part of your display? Can you include your sketch books or images of you at work? Anything which conveys the handmade nature of your work will be helpful when it comes to selling.

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