Aimee of Woodle Books
Have you always been a maker. If not how did you get here? I have been a Book Binder for 12 years. I always say my job now is the combination of my parents', my dad was a carpenter and my mum was a librarian. So making books seems fairly straight forward, i did however fight this for a little while, giving in, inevitably, to work at the British Library. When they offered to pay for a course I asked if I could do the year long book binding course that essentially changed my life. Within the 12 years i have worked at Windsor Castle and two London bookbinders as a book conservator. Conservation and restoration work feed my soul and are definitely my happy place.
What does a typical day look like?
So my days are always different and this is great for me. I think the reason I've never loved working for other companies or people full time is having the set things to get done in a day. Being completely my own boss i know what needs to get done and i can choose what I do.
Moving to the coast is a massive inspiration, to be around so many creatives and then just to see the sea is immense. Having that feeling of space and being part of a community is exactly what we wanted when we decided to move out of London.
What‘s your favourite part of the making process? I am an impatient person so i love book binding as results are fairly instant, i teach a beginners class and in 2 hours you can make a book!
I batch make so the most rewarding part is going from large flat sheets of paper to sewn book block in only a couple of days. having the ability to make a physical thing is really rewarding. teaching others to do it is even more so.
What have you got from being a part of the Crafty Fox community? I love being part of the community. Being out of London is proving good for my mental health and also I've been busier down here than I was before. Being part of the wider makers community and having the socials to go to and the markets that are on offer help with networking and meeting lovely new makers!
See more of Aimeei’s work at