Contemporary blogging - why it is still relevant to your business. With Caroline Rowland of 91 Magazine.

Contemporary blogging - why it is still relevant to your business. With Caroline Rowland of 91 Magazine.

Join Caroline for an informative Zoom session on why blogging is still so relevant for creative businesses, how it ties into all important site SEO and can elevate your brand and your standing as a professional in your field.

Caroline is the editor of 91 Magazine, an independent interiors and lifestyle magazine telling the stories of the creative people and independent businesses behind them. Caroline offers members a discount of 10% off 91 Magazine’s Creative Workshop’s which you can find out more about here.

Click below to watch the recording…

A chat about AI and its impact on small craft businesses

A chat about AI and its impact on small craft businesses

Topic: How to get your products featured in the Christmas gift guides

Topic: How to get your products featured in the Christmas gift guides