Product photography mistakes (and how to fix them) with Diana Stainton

Product photography mistakes (and how to fix them) with Diana Stainton

Note from Diana:

Thank you so much for joining me for today's workshop, I hope you found it helpful. It was great to give an overview of each topic, it would be helpful to know what you would like to expand on, if I could explain anything more clearly, or if there's a particular product/ problem you'd like me to talk about, feedback is welcome! As I mentioned, it's the first time I've delivered this particular lesson. A testimonial of the class would also be helpful to promote future classes :)

I also wanted to send over a few notes for people:

- The app I showed was Lightroom, which is a free photo editing app for iPhone, iPad & Android devices.

- If you'd like to receive my free photography guides, you can do so here: 3 days of Photography Freebies

- Check out my stock shop for greeting card and print mock ups: Mock up Shop use code CraftyFox to get 10% off

- Sign up to the waitlist for my Product Photography group mentoring course in June here: Product Photography Course

- Check out my portfolio, rates & enquiry for here: 

- Chat to me on IG: @dianastainton

Thank you!


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