How to set up and run an online workshop - Q&A with Tom Batting, co-founder of Obby (online)

How to set up and run an online workshop - Q&A with Tom Batting, co-founder of Obby (online)

This event took place on 14th October 2020.

With online learning and social distancing becoming the new normal, makers are increasingly looking for ways in which they can adapt their previously in-person workshops to online events, while still retaining the integrity of their brand.

We welcomed Tom Batting, co-founder of Obby to chat to our members in this free event about how they can pivot their workshops and still generate income at distance with their event attendees at home. The session covered:

  • The benefits of creating online workshops

  • How to adapt previously in-person event content for online

  • Format recommendations and how to get started

  • How to engage your audience

  • How to price your workshop

  • How Obby’s platform can help

Watch the recording below…..

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