5 mistakes to avoid on a photoshoot

5 mistakes to avoid on a photoshoot

We are pleased to be collaborating with Yeshen Venema, a long-term friend of Crafty Fox Market to create our Top Tips series to help you make the most of selling your products online. Yeshen is one of the leading product photographers in the UK, specialising in the design and craft sector.

Following on from our first Crafty Fox Top Tips post on how to style your own photo shoot, Yeshen has now put together a guide on the five things you want to avoid doing on a photo-shoot…

Failing to prepare

You want to make the most of the time, you might be hiring a studio, a photographer and/or a stylist. If you’re not well prepared you may waste that precious time. This includes having a detailed shot list, mood board, checking travel times, having someone to help you load/pack and so on. 

Use my Shoot Prep resource to help plan your shoot which includes templates.


Not focussing on your product

It sounds obvious but I often see images where the props are the star! Make sure your product is the hero and there no no ambiguous elements in the image (we may know what that prop is, but would your customer?)


Not asking questions

If you’re working with a professional photographer or stylist they want to answer your questions - it makes their job easier and leaves less margin for confusion and errors. It’s much better to fix something at the shoot rather than in Photoshop later. If if doubt, ask and clarify.


Not documenting behind the scenes

I always have to remind clients to take photos of the studio, lighting, prop tables and so on - these types of images are great for social and your newsletter plus you can refer to them in future to see how an image came together. Be sure to get the stylist and photographer’s insta handles to tag them.


Not enjoying yourself

Being a shoot should be fun (if you’re prepared see no.1). Don’t forget the smile and enjoy the process

Why not try out these tips and share your next photo shoot images with us on Instagram? We’d love to share them in our stories - just tag us @craftyfoxmarket to be featured!

Yeshen Venema is a leading product photographer and Squarespace Specialist working from his own studio in Islington, London. Find him at www.yeshen.uk and @yeshen.uk. All images by Yeshen.

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