Accountability Squads

Those of us who run small creative businesses often work from home alone. While the peace and quiet can be great, one of the big things often missed about being out in a ‘regular’ workplace are the water cooler moments and the opportunity to bounce ideas off colleagues. So at Crafty Fox Market we’d like to help you recreate that with some of your fellow members.

What’s an Accountability Squad?

Essentially we will create a small group of 4-6 members who agree to meet on a regular basis to share their knowledge, experience, support and enthusiasm and who agree to keep each other on track with their goals and targets.

Why should I join?

Crafty Fox ran a successful mentoring scheme in 2022 and one of the biggest positives to come from it, from both mentees and mentors, was how great it felt to be accountable to someone else. Once you had discussed it and put a task on your to do list, now someone else was expecting you to do it by a deadline - so you did! Research indicates that people are 60% more likely to achieve their goals when they share them with others. This figure increases to 90% when the goals are shared with a group and reviewed regularly.

What would I need to do?

  1. Apply to take part using the form here.

  2. Once placed in your accountability squad by Crafty Fox, contact your fellow members and set up a way of communicating.

  3. Agree a meeting schedule and format.

  4. Discuss your business plans and create SMART goals. Share your skills, knowledge and experience in a polite and positive way.

  5. Agree to keep your discussion confidential within the group.

  6. Enjoy a coffee or a cocktail and each others company, while sharing all the highs and lows of running a small creative business with others who know just how it feels!

Things to note

  • Application for the first round of accountability squads should be sent by February 27th 2023 and you should expect to hear about your groups by Tuesday 28th February.

  • Members can apply after this date and we will do our best to add you to groups, or set up new groups as appropriate.

  • Where possible we will try to allocate groups by geographical location so in-person meet ups are easier.

  • We will attempt to create a good mix of business categories amongst the group but please be aware that you may be placed into a group with another business owner within your category.

  • We will do our best to place all applicants in a group but cannot guarantee a place

  • Crafty Fox will not be responsible for any organisation or administration of the group beyond the original set up. Once the groups are up and running, it will be down to it’s members to run. We do love to hear about how you are getting on though, so please feel free to share any updates and news with us.

Website Clinic

Website Clinic

10% off brand photography with Marili Vosmi

10% off brand photography with Marili Vosmi