Hardy to Hudson


Hi, I’m Victoria, the creator behind all things Hardy to Hudson, where every piece of jewellery tells a story.

Based out of my home studio in Buckinghamshire I design delicate, minimalist jewellery, inspired by the vibrant colours, textures and emotions of my adventures around the globe. Having grown up in Spain, Florida and the UK and then going on to visit some beautiful parts of the world as an air stewardess, I have a lot of inspiration that I pour into my designs. Each beaded bracelet, necklace, earrings or anklet that I make are an opportunity to recreate the beautiful colours and cultures of the many amazing destinations I have visited and those yet to be explored! It's about capturing those special moments and feelings - the warmth of the sun on your skin, the sound of waves crashing on the shore or sharing a sunset drink in that cute little bar.

I’m also all about quality, which is why we're committed to using only the finest materials in every piece we create, such as 14k gold fill, sterling silver, luxe silk threads and hand-picked glass and gemstone beads. My aim is for your Hardy to Hudson jewellery to elicit fun and playful memories of exploration for you too or to join you on your own trips for new adventures!

Sunnu Illustration

Sunnu Illustration

Wobbly Me

Wobbly Me